Myths in Marriage

Navigating an Islamic Marriage in the Era of Modernity


Salaam Alaykum Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Thank you for expressing interest in the Marriage Myths class.

We will be insha’Allah starting the class on Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021. It will be weekly from 5 – 5:30pm PST and will be followed with questions and answers. 

In order to participate in the class you will have to register below. This will be an in depth 10 session workshop covering a total of 40 myths that most Muslim couples have when getting married. The workshop will be very interactive in a discussion format and will cover numerous examples which will help navigate several issues facing married couples in our modern age. This workshop will have information for those who are seriously looking to get married, newly married, as well as those who have been married for several years.

Attending most sessions will be required due to limited capacity. We kindly ask ALL participants to keep their webcam on to keep the discussion interactive and out of the respect of the class and our teacher. If you turn off your camera, the host will message you to please turn it on unless it’s a special circumstance. 

We ask for you to make a commitment to attend class weekly however if you can not make it, the recording will be available to only those who register. Registration deadline is May 30th, 2021.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

This form is currently closed for submissions.